
I'm Paulina Treanor. With nearly 15 years of experience as a psychotherapist, I have specialised in guiding individuals and couples through transformative journeys towards self-understanding and genuine relationships. Are you ready to discover what truly drives you and how your deepest relationships can be enriched? 

My Therapeutic Philosophy

Therapy is a deeply personal journey of understanding and growth. We explore the unconscious patterns that shape your interactions and impact your life's challenges. This exploration is crucial for fostering genuine change and helping you live more authentically.

For Individuals

Do you ever feel lost or disconnected? Are you weighed down by your past, or find yourself minimising your emotions and needs to meet others' expectations? Our sessions provide a supportive space to explore your emotions, address past traumas, and craft a narrative that truly reflects your individuality. I am here to empower you with greater self-awareness and resilience, enabling you to navigate life with confidence and peace. What could life look like if you fully embraced your true self?

For Couples

Our work together focuses on appreciating and valuing differences as enriching aspects of your relationship, rather than sources of division. If you're experiencing communication challenges, emotional distance, or unresolved conflicts, our therapy will equip you with advanced strategies for managing conflict and enhancing self-regulation. Imagine how your relationship could transform if you both communicated your needs and emotions effectively, fostering deeper understanding and a stronger bond.

My Personal Journey


My own therapy journey during a particularly challenging time was a life-altering experience. Having navigated significant life transitions, including moving countries during adolescence and the transformative experience of becoming a parent, I've gained unique insights into the complexities of identity and belonging. These experiences, coupled with my specialised training, enhance my empathy and inform my approach, especially with clients who are neurodiverse or feel out of step with their surroundings.

Why Engage in Therapy with Me?

  • Depth and Expertise: My extensive training and experience in relational and psychodynamic therapies provide a rich, multifaceted approach to addressing complex interpersonal dynamics.
  • Personalised Therapy: Every therapy session is carefully tailored to reflect your unique life story and personal needs, ensuring a deeply personal therapeutic experience.
  • Commitment to Authenticity: I am dedicated to your journey towards embracing your true self and finding your place of belonging.


Ready to Embrace Your Authentic Self?

If you’re prepared to uncover your story, deepen your relationships, and discover where you truly belong, I'm here to support and guide you. Reach out today to schedule your first session and begin your journey towards a more fulfilling and authentic life.


My qualifications include:


  • Advanced Diploma in Relationship PsychotherapyMA in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
  • MA in Arts Psychotherapy
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Family and Couples Psychotherapy
  • EMDR Levels 1 and 2